Dharan run is going to be held in February 22nd, 2022 in beautiful city, Dharan. The forms are already opened for those who wants to participate and join us in our marathon event.
“10th Dharan Run – Newa Charity 10Km 2022”
Its is requested to fill t he form by following certain rules before participating in the Run.
1. “Under-12” When filling the form, the runner in Under 12 age group should have been born within 19 february,2010. (Fagun 7, 2066 BS)
2. “Under-16” When filling the form, the runner in Under 16 age group should have been born within 19 february,2007. (Fagun 7, 2063 BS)
3. “Open-17-39 age” there will be no age limit for runners in the open age group.
4.”Veteran+40″ When filling the form, the runner in Under 12 age group should have been born with in 19 february,2082. (Fagun 7, 2038 Bs)
5.”Super Veteran+60″ When filling the form, the runner in Under 12 age group should have been born with in 19 february,2062. (Fagun 7, 2018 Bs)
6. While filling the form, schools and organizations are requested to fill the forms according to the date of birth or school birth record. If any problem or difficulty in filling the form, contact Dharan Run or inquire at 9811306111.
7. If any runner is found to have increased the age while filling the form he/she will not be allowed t o participate in the race and will be deprived of the prize even if they win the competition.
Also, the decision of the Dharan Run Group regarding this rule will be the final decision.
Dharan Run Team
Thank you